

Education is essential
end human trafficking.







Are you an educator who is looking for ways to teach your students about human trafficking?

Are you a part of an organization or community group that desires to raise awareness to inform, protect, and educate others?

Are you a parent who is wondering how to start a conversation with your child or teen about how they can protect themselves and their friends?

Are you a student who is passionate to help others and mobilize your generation?


Below are resources we’ve developed to equip you in the fight for freedom.







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Parent Guides

Guides to teach your kids about human trafficking

These guides are designed to help parents of young children and teenagers start conversations about human trafficking—what it is, how to identify it, and how to prevent it.




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Parent Guides Icon   

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Did you know that 1 in every 4 victims of modern slavery is a child? 

These parent guides have been designed to help safeguard children so that human trafficking can be prevented before it even begins.



– Parent Guide for Kids is written for ages 6-12

– Parent Guide for Teens is written for ages 13-17



– What is Human Trafficking?

– Conversations – Human Trafficking Talks

– Online Safety Tips

– Protective Action Steps


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Safety Guides Icon   

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Safety Guides

Guides to educate yourself and others to prevent human trafficking.

These guides provide information, safety tips, and red flag indicators on a variety of topics including safe employment and digital safety.



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Staying safe from the vulnerabilities of trafficking is possible.

Human trafficking affects millions of men, women, and children around the world; it also happens in our communities. These guides have been created to help keep everyone safe from exploitation.


Digital Safety Guides:

Student Safety Guide USA

Digital Safety Guide

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Student Safety Guide Australia

Digital Safety Guide

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Student Safety Guide Bulgaria

Digital Safety Guide

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Student Safety Guide Cambodia English

Digital Safety Guide
(Cambodia - English)

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Student Safety Guide Cambodia

Digital Safety Guide
(Cambodia - Khmer)

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Student Safety Guide Greece

Digital Safety Guide

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Student Safety Guide Latin America

Digital Safety Guide
(Latin America)

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Student Safety Guide South Africa

Digital Safety Guide
(South Africa - English)

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Student Safety Guide South Africa Afrikaans

Digital Safety Guide
(South Africa - Afrikaans)

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Student Safety Guide South Africa Xhosa

Digital Safety Guide
(South Africa - Xhosa)

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Student Safety Guide Spain

Digital Safety Guide

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Student Safety Guide Thailand

Digital Safety Guide

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Student Safety Guide UK

Digital Safety Guide

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Safe Employment Guides:

Safe Employment Guide USA

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Australia

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Bulgaria

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Cambodia-English

Safe Employment Guide
(Cambodia - English)

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Safe Employment Guide Cambodia

Safe Employment Guide
(Cambodia - Khmer)

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Safe Employment Guide Canada

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Greece

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Mexico

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Norway

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Poland” width=

Safe Employment Guide
(Poland - Polish)

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Safe Employment Guide Poland - Ukrainian

Safe Employment Guide
(Poland - Ukrainian)

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Safe Employment Guide South Africa

Safe Employment Guide
(South Africa)

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Safe Employment Guide Spain

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Thailand

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide UK

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Employment Guide Ukraine

Safe Employment Guide

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Safe Relationship Guides:

Safe Relationship Guide USA

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide AUS

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide Bulgaria

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide USA

Safe Relationship Guide
(Cambodia - English)

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Safe Relationship Guide Cambodia

Safe Relationship Guide
(Cambodia - Khmer)

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Safe Relationship Guide Canada

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide Greece

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide Latin America

Safe Relationship Guide
(Latin America)

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Safe Relationship Guide Poland

Safe Relationship Guide
(Poland - Polish)

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Safe Relationship Guide Poland - Ukrainian

Safe Relationship Guide
(Poland - Ukrainian)

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Safe Relationship Guide South Africa

Safe Relationship Guide
(South Africa)

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Safe Relationship Guide Spain

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide Thailand

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide UK

Safe Relationship Guide

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Safe Relationship Guide Ukraine

Safe Relationship Guide

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Educator Safety Guides:

Educator Guide USA

Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Guide Bulgaria

Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Guide Cambodia

Educator Safety Guide
(Cambodia - Khmer)

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Educator Guide Canada

Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Guide Greece

Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Guide Latin America

Educator Safety Guide
(Latin America)

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Educator Guide South Africa

Educator Safety Guide
(South Africa)

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Educator Guide Spain

Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Guide Thailand

Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Guide UK

Educator Safety Guide

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Educator Guide Ukraine

Educator Safety Guide

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Safe Migration Pamphlets, Indicators, and Comic Books:

Safe Migration Pamphlet - Europe

Safe Migration Pamphlets
(Europe - English)

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Safe Migration Pamphlet - Europe

Safe Migration Pamphlets
(Europe - Ukrainian)

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Safe Migration Pamphlet - Latin America

Safe Migration Pamphlets
(Latin America - Spanish)

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Passport to Indicators of Trafficking

Passport to Indicators of Trafficking
(Spain - English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian, French, Arabic, Chinese)

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Forced Migration Comic Book

Comic Forced Migration


Ukrainian, English

Forced Migration:

Forced migration is the forcibly induced movement of people, for example, persons forced to flee to escape conflict, as in the situation of Ukraine. It can occur within a country and across international borders. Often when individuals and families are forced to move with little or no warning, there is an increased risk of exploitation during this vulnerable period. Traffickers are known to prey on those coming from a crisis situation, and may trick you into a dangerous situation, such as forced labor or sexual exploitation through deception, threats, or violence. Look out for possible indicators and don't be deceived by false promises.

Possible Indicators:

  • Offering shelter or employment without identifying who they are or providing details
  • Offering you free transportation or travel documents, without clearly identifying who they are
  • Taking (or offering to take) your documents for safekeeping
  • Trying to separate from your family and friends
  • Offering assistance, in exchange for favours
  • Treating you in an aggressive manner, physically or verbally
  • Threatening you with physical harm
  • Working for little or no pay (or withholding part of your salary)


Forced Migration Comic Book

Comic Forced Migration


English, Arabic, Farsi

Forced Migration:

Forced migration is the forcibly induced movement of people, for example, persons forced to flee to escape conflict or natural disasters. It can occur within a country and across international borders. Often when individuals and families are forced to move with little or no warning, there is an increased risk of exploitation during this vulnerable period. This risk can be increased when families are forced out of their own homes and staying in temporary accommodation. Traffickers are known to prey on those coming from a crisis situation. Look out for possible indicators and don't be deceived by false promises.

Possible Indicators:

  • Offering shelter or employment without identifying who they are or providing details
  • Offering you free transportation or travel documents, without clearly identifying who they are
  • Taking (or offering to take) your documents for safekeeping
  • Trying to separate from your family and friends
  • Offering assistance, in exchange for favours
  • Treating you in an aggressive manner, physically or verbally
  • Threatening you with physical harm
  • Working for little or no pay (or withholding part of your salary)

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Confirmation Content



EARLY CHILDHOOD Prevention Program

(ECPP) is a child-centered, activity-based program designed to empower vulnerable children, ages 3-6.

Currently available in 14 versions & languages.

The ECPP equips children with safety tools for protection as they navigate potentially dangerous situations in their young lives.

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Primary Prevention Program Icon   

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Child-centered, play-based program teaching children about their rights and how to stay safe.

This 3 session program is designed to empower children ages 6-12, to champion their young voices, and to teach them how to make informed decisions that protect themselves and others.

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A Children's Storybook teaching steps on how to stay safe.

Designed for parents, caregivers, and teachers to read to children.   

The “Steps to Staying Safe Storybook” is designed to help children learn more about human trafficking prevention through visual storytelling. Parents, caregivers, educators or anyone who interacts with children can use this storybook or give as a gift, to help spread essential trafficking prevention messages, in a creative way. This storybook is designed to help children better understand the dangers of tricky people, what they can do and who they can ask for help.

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Parent Guides Icon   

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Steps to Staying Safe Storybook

The “Steps to Staying Safe Storybook" tells the story of Maria, an adventurous young five year old who encounters a tricky person while she is playing at the park. This story introduces the concepts of tricky people, safe strangers and trusted adults, to encourage children to think about the different types of people (not just strangers) they may encounter and who is safe and unsafe. Through this fun story, our goal is to help children to recognize unsafe situations and know what to do.


Storybook Interactive

Interactive Storybook

Languages: English (USA, UK, Australia, South Africa)

    Access Game    

Storybook Hardcopy Booklet

Hardcopy Booklet*

Languages: English, Spanish 

    Purchase Now    

*Only available in the USA store

Storybook Print At Home Download

Print At Home PDF Download

Languages: English, Khmer, Thai, Greek, Polish, Ukrainian, Spanish, Bulgarian, IsiXhosa, Afrikaans


The "Steps to Staying Safe Storybook" is a stand alone resource that can also be used in conjunction with A21’s Early Childhood Prevention Program (ECPP). The ECPP is a program designed for facilitators to run with children ages 3-6, to help equip them with safety tools for protection as they navigate potentially dangerous situations in their young lives. Click here for more information on the ECPP.


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Steps to Staying Safe Interactive Storybook

A children’s storybook teaching essential trafficking prevention messages, in a creative way.

This program is currently available in English for the following countries:
USA, UK, Australia, and South Africa



Hidden Stars: There are ‘stars’ hidden throughout the interactive storybook for children to find and collect points while they learn.

Safe and Unsafe Touch Colouring Activity: Children are presented with four coloring-in images. Children can creatively color in the chosen image using the interactive coloring tools. Once finished, they will be asked whether the image represents a safe or unsafe touch, testing their knowledge of what is safe and what is not.

Safe Circle Hand Activity: Children can drag and drop five people who represent their trusted adults using the list of people provided. This can include parents and step-parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, police officers, nurses, neighbors, etc.

Know Your Hotline Number Activity: This activity allows the children to practice ‘dialing’ their local hotline number.

A certificate is generated at the end of all activities, allowing the children to print out the work they have finished as a reminder of what they have learned.



Hidden Stars: There are ‘stars’ hidden throughout the interactive storybook for children to find and collect points while they learn.

Safe and Unsafe Touch Colouring Activity: Children are presented with four coloring-in images. Children can creatively color in the chosen image using the interactive coloring tools. Once finished, they will be asked whether the image represents a safe or unsafe touch, testing their knowledge of what is safe and what is not.

Safe Circle Hand Activity: Children can drag and drop five people who represent their trusted adults using the list of people provided. This can include parents and step-parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, police officers, nurses, neighbors, etc.

Know Your Hotline Number Activity: This activity allows the children to practice ‘dialing’ their local hotline number.

A certificate is generated at the end of all activities, allowing the children to print out the work they have finished as a reminder of what they have learned.

These digital storybooks are a stand-alone resource that can also be used in conjunction with A21’s Early Childhood Prevention Program (ECPP). The ECPP is a program designed for facilitators to run with children ages 3-6, to help equip them with safety tools for protection as they navigate potentially dangerous situations in their young lives. Click here for more information on the ECPP.

Once you have completed the game we would love to know more about your experience. Please complete this survey to share your feedback:


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Designed for children and communities to learn through visual storytelling

The “Staying Safe Online Comic Book” is designed to help children ages 6-12 learn about digital safety so they can better understand the dangers of interacting online. Additional comic books are designed to help children, at-risk populations, and low-literacy communities learn more about the different forms of human trafficking and safe migration.

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Staying Safe Online Comic Book

Parents, caregivers, educators, or anyone who cares for children ages 6-12 can use this comic book, or can give it as a gift, to teach kids about online safety in a creative way.

The core aims of the "Staying Safe Online Comic Book" are to help young children learn more about digital safety and to equip them with tools to prevent them from becoming potential victims of online exploitation. This digital safety comic book tells the story of two young friends, Eva and Aisha, who encounter a tricky person and a false online opportunity for fame. This story introduces the concepts of tricky people and unsafe strangers and trusted adults, to encourage children to think about the different types of people (not just strangers) they may encounter online and who is safe and unsafe. It also reminds children that they should not interact with people they do not know online, and that their personal information should be kept private. Through this fun story, our goal is to help children to recognize an unsafe online situation and know what to do to stay safe.


Safety Comic Interactive

Interactive Comic Book

Languages: English (USA, UK, Australia, South Africa)

    Access Game    

Safety Comic Hardcopy

Hardcopy Booklet*

Languages: English, Spanish

    Purchase Now    

*Only available in the USA store, paperback.

Safety Comic Digital Booklet

Print At Home PDF Download

Languages: English, Khmer, Thai, Greek, Ukrainian, Spanish


The "Staying Safe Online Comic Book" is a stand alone resource that can also be used in conjunction with A21’s Primary Prevention Program (PPP). The PPP is a play-based program designed to empower children ages 6-12, to champion their young voices, and to teach them how to make informed decisions that protect themselves and others. Click here for more information on the PPP.


Designed for Children and at Risk Populations

These comics books are designed to help children, at risk populations, and communities with low literacy learn more about human trafficking prevention through visual storytelling.


Forced Begging Comic Book

Comic — Forced Begging


English, Thai and Khmer

Forced Begging:

Forcing a person (often children or persons with a physical or mental disability) to beg or perform to collect donations.

Possible Indicators:

  • Forced to sit in the same place for a prolonged period of time
  • Asleep, often drugged or unconscious
  • Appears dirty and wearing ill-fitting clothes
  • Signs of abuse and malnourishment (denied food, water, sleep, and / or medical care)

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Forced Labor Comic Book

Comic — Forced Labour Trafficking


English, Thai, Khmer, Burmese

Forced Labor:

Forcing a person to work in captivity for little or no pay.

Possible Indicators:

  • Excessive working hours
  • Unsafe working condition and hard manual labor
  • Restricted movement
  • Accompanied by a controlling person
  • Appears dirty and wearing ill-fitting clothes
  • Signs of abuse and malnourishment

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Sex Trafficking Comic Book

Comic — Sex Trafficking


English, Thai, Khmer, Burmese, Vietnamese

Sex Trafficking:

Forcing, deceiving, or coercing a person to perform a commercial sex act.

Possible Indicators:

  • Victim is a minor
  • Afraid to talk to strangers or local authorities.
  • Appears drugged, unhappy, or disconnected
  • Visible scars or bruises
  • Accompanied by a controlling person
  • Has few personal possessions

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Confirmation Content

Staying Safe Online Interactive Comic Book

A children’s comic book teaching about digital safety in a creative way.

This program is currently available in English for the following countries:
USA, UK, Australia, and South Africa



Hidden Stars: There are ‘stars’ hidden throughout the story for children to find and collect points while they learn.

Quiz: Children can test their knowledge of online safety after reading through the comic book with a range of multiple-choice questions.



Hidden Stars: There are ‘stars’ hidden throughout the story for children to find and collect points while they learn.

Quiz: Children can test their knowledge of online safety after reading through the comic book with a range of multiple-choice questions.

These digital comic books are a stand-alone resource that can also be used in conjunction with A21’s Primary Prevention Program (PPP). The PPP is a play-based program designed to empower children ages 6-12, to champion their young voices, and to teach them how to make informed decisions that protect themselves and others. Click here for more information on the PPP.

Once you have completed the game we would love to know more about your experience. Please complete this survey to share your feedback:


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K-12 Curriculum   

Confirmation Content


The K-12 Human Trafficking Education Curriculum is written for Kindergarten to 12th-grade students in the United States.

The aim of this curriculum is to provide students with knowledge about how they can identify and respond to situations where they may be vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking.

Learn More


Confirmation Content

Human Trafficking E-Course

A global perspective of human trafficking and how you can be a part of the solution.

A one-hour course that will teach you what human trafficking looks like, how you can recognize and report it, and steps you can take to help protect others from online child exploitation.


Complete the Course


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Human Trafficking E-Course 

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Thank you for choosing to partner with us to abolish slavery everywhere, forever through educational human trafficking prevention and awareness resources. Your feedback is valuable. Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this survey.