In the United States, all A21 Campaign activities, operations and financial matters are conducted by A21 USA Inc, a nonprofit charitable corporation with exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax ID number (EIN) is 86-2765873. All contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.
In Australia, all A21 Campaign activities, operations and financial matters are conducted by The A21 Campaign Limited, a public company limited by guarantee and registered charity with tax deductible gift recipient status. Our tax ID number (ABN) is 25135595578. Donations of $2 or more are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.
In the United Kingdom and Europe, all A21 Campaign activities, operations and financial matters are conducted by The A21 Campaign Limited, a private company limited by guarantee and a registered charity in England and Wales. Our charity registration number (RN) is 1140754. Donations in the United Kingdom are eligible for Gift Aid as allowed by law (Gift Aid reference number XT29794). The A21 Campaign Limited is a registered charity in Scotland (charity registration number SC043081).
Any donations given through the global store/other region are not tax deductible and will be processed in USD. If you would like to give a donation in USD and want a tax receipt, please give through the United States region. The global store exists to service individuals in regions that are outside of our 5 tax deductible regions.
The A21 Campaign will make every effort to utilize a contribution pursuant to the designation of the donor; however, this contribution is accepted with the understanding that The A21 Campaign has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds.
Please consult your personal advisors on all legal, tax, or financial issues related to your gift or personal matters. Nothing contained on this website or in any of its documents, attachments, or links: (a) should be considered legal, tax, or financial advice, and (b) is intended or written to be used, and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties.
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