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Do You Suspect
Trafficking Might
Taking Place?

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One call can be the difference between
slavery & freedom.

One call can be the difference between
 slavery & freedom.


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A Line Out: Hotlines

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A Line Out

In this powerful, true story, one bystander made a call that changed the lives of two children caught in human trafficking.


A Line Out

In this powerful, true story, one bystander made a call that changed the lives of two children caught in human trafficking.

Click Report Now to call or make a report online from the list of countries below.

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South Africa


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(+61) 131 237

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Operated by Australian Federal Police


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File A Report


Operated by Australian Federal Police


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0800 20 100

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Operated by A21


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Operated by National Police Hotline


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+1 833 900 1010

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Operated by Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking


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Operated by A21


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Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs


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Accessible 24/7


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If you are calling from abroad, call:
011 52 555533 5533


Operated by Línea Nacional contra la Trata de Personas


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File A Report

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Operated by Citizen Council for Security


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+09 49 555666

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Operated by
Muse Anti Human Trafficking


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+09 49 555777

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Operated by
Mandalay Anti Human Trafficking


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+09 49 555888

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Operated by
Yangon Anti Human Trafficking


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(+47) 22 33 11 60

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Operated by ROSA


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South Africa


+0800 222 777

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Operated by A21


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(+34) 900 759 759

Call or Report Now


Operated by A21


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(+34) 062

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Email Now


Operated by Civil Guard


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(+46) 77 114 14 00

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Operated by National Police


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In Case of Emergency
Operated by National Police


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Operated by Government Helpline


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+66 99 130 130

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Operated by Government Helpline


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Operated by
Government Anti-Trafficking Hotline


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United Kingdom


(+44) 08000 121 700

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Operated by Modern Slavery Helpline


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File A Report

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Operated by Modern Slavery Helpline


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United States



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Operated by National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)



Cyber Tip Line

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Operated by National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)


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Operated by Polaris Project




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Operated by Polaris Project


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Don't see your country IN THE LIST BELOW?

You can still report concerns to local authorities in your community.



And for more information on additional hotlines, visit It's a Penalty’s Global Hotline Directory.

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Don't see your country listed?

You can still report concerns to local authorities in your community.


For more information, visit It's a Penalty

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Know the Signs


Controlled by another person

They are accompanied by a controlling person, and do not speak on his or her own behalf, but instead defer to another person.


Lack of Earnings

They are unable to keep his or her earnings: it is “withheld for safekeeping.” In many cases, the person owes a debt they are working to pay off.


Overly Fearful, Depressed, AND Submissive Behavior

They are frightened to talk to outsiders and authorities since they are closely monitored and controlled by their trafficker(s). They may be fearful, anxious, depressed, overly submissive, and may avoid eye contact.


Lack of Official Identification

They are not in possession of their passports, identification, or legal documents.


Substance Abuse

They may show signs of drug use or drug addiction. They can be forced or coerced into drug use by his or her traffickers, or turn to substance abuse to help cope with his or her enslavement.


Lack of Personal Belongings

They may have few or no personal possessions.


Deceived by a False Job Offer

Their actual job is different from the advertised job they had accepted.


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Controlled Movement

They are transported to or from work, or live and work at the same place. They show signs that their movements are being controlled.


Unfamiliar with the Language

They have recently arrived in the country and do not speak the language of the country—or they only know sex-related or labor-related words.


Bad health AND malnutrition

They may have signs of abuse or signs of being denied food, water, sleep, and/or medical care.


Signs of Physical Abuse

They may have bruises, scars, and other signs of physical abuse and torture. Victims of human trafficking are often beaten in areas that will not damage their appearance, such as their lower back.


Lack of Trust

They may be distrustful and suspicious. A victim of human trafficking may act as if they distrust any person who offers them assistance or attempts to converse with them..


Signs of Dependence

They may demonstrate affection, attachment, or dependence toward their abuser.


Feelings of Being Trapped

They feel that they are unable to leave their current situation.


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How they're trafficked

Traffickers use different methods to recruit victims.
When we know how they are trafficked, we are given the power to stop slavery before it starts.

Known ways A21 survivors were trafficked globally:

1. False Job Advertisement  43.4%

2. Sold by Family 11.2%

3. Loverboy 9.6%

4. Trafficked by a Friend  8.6%

5. Abduction  5.8%

6. Other 4.1%

7. False Immigration  2.6%

8. Savior  1.2%

Unknown: 13.5%

Pie chart of human trafficking statistics: methods of how they're trafficked

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Your gift enables us to operate our hotlines 24/7

Through our hotlines, we identify and assist victims in trafficking situations and collaborate with local police on recovery operations.


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Learn more about how to
idenify human trafficking
in your community.


Learn more about how to
identify human trafficking
in your community.

Learn More


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